Tuesday, December 23, 2008

must read!!!

hi!! i'm back,.. i am so lucky,, cos i am posted to amkss.. me and Ai lin are in the same sch..lucky i got fren or i very boring one.. still miss the good old days.. talking to my frens and others stuff.. but best is talking to jeannifer she is the person tat i will not forget cos we talk rubbish to each other, and we are very clink.. mean that we like doing things together.. even now we are in different sec sch i am Happy that i met her, and i never regret metting. but ofcos not oly her still got many more. sankari is a person tat you can count on when you need help cos she will be there helping you.erm.. bernice is very cute and nice to bully..haha(kidding).. xiuling is the person who always buy food and things for you..she is a very kind girl..pei jun is a nice girl who do beautiful art work..yuling is our class 1st in class..ailin maid cook very nice food and ailin is very helpful..now the boys,,ignatius is a funny boy who always make me laugh, jia
bin is our class the cool cool type of guy..alois is a nice person..linus is very irritating person who like to make me..okok enough of talking,, now about miss lim, miss lim is a person who every day give you hw, a person who cares a lot for us..she is a perfect woman and i like her..thank you misslim

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

caleb birthdays

On 9th November 08, I went to his house function room. Before I reach there my friend, keep calling me and ask me when I coming. I say I be reaching there soon. Later Jia Bin called me and said that the party was over, but that was only a trick, he bluff me. Soon I arrived, Caleb father asked me to help myself at the food. Later, Caleb gave everyone a goodie bag. After that, we started playing game. In the middle of the game, I have to go. so sad. I did not get to eat Caleb birthday cake. Caleb, I'm so sorry.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Graduation Nite

On 7th nov 08, it was Graduation Nite I arrived just in time. MY friend and I was seated almost near the stage. We played ice-breakers then followed by some lucky draw. I got a water bottle. Soon dinner is served. the food was ok to eat. My frens and i was talking all the while. grauation nite I dun have much to say but must say thank you to the teachers.

BBq party

On 8th nov 08, my class and I were at the East Coast chalet to have BBQ. my dad drove me and Sankari there. we took about half and hour to reach there. when we reach there, some of the girls were already there. We waited outside the chalet about half and hour for Miss Lim. she was at the lobby. when she came we put all the food into the fridge. After that all the girls went to the beach. about 4.30pm plus, we went back to the chalet to wash our feet and shoes. Soon the boys came back. We soon started cooking. Jia Bin, Linus and Ijnatius were setting the fire. After so long, there was still No fire. Luckily, got one man come and help us soon there was fire. While cooking, we were like screaming, but I think that how we comunicate to each other. After cooking, we clear up the place. Miss Lim and I was playing" stress". I won. Soon, it was late and my parents came and fetch me home. It was an happy day for me.

rock climbing

I had my rock climbing last week, I can't really remember when it is. We played some teamwork game before climbing. Before climbing the instructor gave us some rules in climbing. After all that we started climbing. Finally it was my turn to climb. rock climbing was very tiring for me. My arms were aching. When I was half way there, nearly reaching the top, I told Miss Lim that I want to give up, but Miss Lim told me not to as I was nearly reaching the top. When I reach the top, I was happy but at the same time I was tired. The instructor gave me a sweet. I was very proud of myself. Rock climbing is something that really test people determination, and it has taught me that no matter how hard to get something done I must have the determination to do it..(Bye):p

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

survival test

On10th October 2008, my class and I was doing some survival test. We were outside the field cooking. When I heard that we are going to cook I was like"huh" cooking.Before we can start cooking, we must first watch the tins, washing the tins was easy as it was quite clean. we then pour the rice into the tin and started washing the rice. me and Bernice are partners. After washing the rice, we started cooking the rice. Bernice and i took turns to stir the rice. after a few minutes we then put the can of food on top of the tins. about 2 minutes, we took the tins down and starter to open the tins. I pour the sardines into the tin. the whole rice was red. we gave some sardines to Linus and Jia bin. when the rice was cooked, we scoop the rice out and started eating. our food may look nice to eat but when you eat it it was very very nice to eat.After eating I went over to Jeannifer and Sankari place to try out their food. Theirs was curry chicken rice they were equally good as ours, but ours was nicer to eat. I also went over to Alois place to try his rice it was nice to eat but the rice was a bit too hard. Then I tried Linus and Jia Bin rice it was OK to eat but the rice was also hard.the part I hated most is washing the tins. It was hard to wash because the rice stuck onto the tins.I must used my strength to was the tins, but Lucky, the stall auntie gave me some skill on washing that make me much easier to wash the tins. After much washing, the boys used the hose to wash the floor. I think this survival test was fun and I learned a lot from it. the school should should organises such things again. bye

Friday, September 26, 2008


PSLE is around the corner, I bet everyone is feeling nervous and worried. I hope everyone including me can pass with flying colours. I hope no one in our class repeat primary 6. Actually I want to go to Anderson Secondary but the score to get in is too high, it is about 248 points. I am very scared I fail my maths because I never pass my maths before. Now I wanna get about 213 or more. I wanna go to a good school and also at the same time go express. Of cause everyone want go to express because express only 4 years. Who wants to take a longer time to study?But if I cannot get into express i will put my very best effort to go to a good school but N(A). I don't wish to go N(A) because it is 5 years study and it is a road with many traffic lights while express is a shortcut way. Why other students can do it but just I cannot do it I always ask myself this question. When I hear the word PSLE, everything in my head will be blank.During exams I will hesitated if my answer is correct. For my own sake, I will try my very best because I do not want to let my parents, Miss Lim myself during this few days my parents have been worried for me because they are afraid I cannot make it. I will not let Miss Lim down because she a teacher who cares a lot for me and whenever I'm in trouble she will be there helping me. The future lies in my hand so I am going to cherish my own future. Good luck to all of you.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

the right use of 999

  1. they thinks it is very fun to call 999
  2. only when there is an emergency you can call 999. example. someone jumping down or a robbery
  3. you should not call 999 when there is no emergency. if you call 999 for no reason you will be jail or fine or both.
  4. If there is a real emengency the police cannot save them first and is very wasting time.
  5. before you call999 you should remain calm.
  6. Yes. it is because there are many rule already.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

food in school canteen

  1. I eat food in the school canteen.It is because there chair and tables for me too eat.
  2. My favourite stall is stall 2 because it sells all the tidbit I to eat....
  3. I think the food and drinks sold in canteen are healthy because there a lot of healthy food...like fruits,milk and many more...
  4. YES!! The food and drinks sold in the canteen are clean because if it is not clean then everyday the students will fall sick!!
  5. Fruit are some healthier food...
  6. salad, should be sold because it is made up of vegetables..
  7. we should decorate the canteen to make it nicer and make us like to come...bye =D...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


My best Friend is Jeannifer. we have been friends For 4 yrs.

We tell each other secret and play together.

During recess we will sit together..I met her when i was primary 1.when I 1st saw her i think she is very quite and did nit want to do anything with her .

I don't really know how we became friends..I think it is probably we have the same characteristic and enjoy doing things that we like..Em.. i think this is how we became friends..
We quarrel sometimes but after a few minutes we forgive each other and become friends again..
Don' see Jeannifer very quite but when she scold people she is very fierce one.....!!!
J eannifer Ong Jia Ting
E ee...
A lways very noisy
N aughty ( most of the time GOOD)
N ice person ( sometimes bad )
I ntelligent
F unny ( always make me laugh )
E veryday happy ( sometimes SAD)
R achel BEST FRIEND.....!!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

science learing journey

Last Monday class 6.2 went to the science centre.we took a bus there. when we reached there we saw a clip, more about plants and insect. After the clip we took our catching material and went out.

Ai ling, xiu ling went to catch dragonfly. Pei jun went to collect plants.Me Jeannifer and Bernice went to catch water insect.One of my leg feel into the pond all thanks to Linus. Linus caught a dragonfly and he brought it to me he gave me a shock and one of my leg fell to the pond....

After the Catching and falling we went back to the room we took the things we fond and put it in the microscope to see...

It was a rally great day at the science centre....

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thank you Mr Singh

Dear Mr Singh,

I know that you will be leaving us soon.

You have been a very good VP since you came to Anderson Primary School, you did so many things for the school.

I remember that you once help me to find my wallet. I am really very grateful to you.

I hope that you will come back to Anderson Primary School after you finish studying. I wish you good luck in your studies.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Hi everyone,
This is my dog, Sally. She is cute and furry. Nice to play with and often barks at anyone who comes near it. Nice right?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

WE took this on 2007 teachers day ... It was my happy day last year. after the teacher day the boys in the class brust all the ballon...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SMRT learing journey

On tuesday 12th Febuary 2008

We took a bus to the SMRT. When my classmates and I reached there we went to the auditorium. There was a nice lady who tell my classmates and I more information about the MRT.

After that we took a free MRT
ride to Marina Bay MRT station. A lady tell us how should we behave ourself when we take the MRT. I learnt that i must give up my seat to someone who need it more than I need.
After that we went back to the auditorium room, she then gave us a quiz worksheet. I won a prize beacause I got all the answers correct. It was an fun day for me...!!! BYE for now.....!!!!:)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Something about me

Hi! my name is Rachel Sim. I am 12 years old. I live at Seasons Park with my parents.During the weekends my family and I would go out to shop at NTUC. I
like to roller blade, swim, play golf, play computer games ,watch and play soccer and playing the piano I like playing the piano most because I really good at it.

My favourite food is roti-prata because I like to eat spicy food. My dog's name is Sally and she is three and a half years old. She is also very cute and she bore 6 puppies but I gave two of them to my trusted cousins. I have also have three hamsters and five goldfish as my pets I am also a pet lover because I love my pets alot.

I like to read comic books because they are very funny and it always make me laugh.

My form teacher is Miss Lim and she is very pretty, kind, sometimes very fierce but I know that she cares alot for me and my classmates.

My best friend is Jeannifer Ong. She hates pink alot but her favourite colour is blue. We have been good friends for five years. Her favourite food is chicken rice. We always share secrets.

My fravourite singer is JJ Lin Lun Jie!! because he is very handsome and he sings very well.

That's all for now.