Friday, September 26, 2008


PSLE is around the corner, I bet everyone is feeling nervous and worried. I hope everyone including me can pass with flying colours. I hope no one in our class repeat primary 6. Actually I want to go to Anderson Secondary but the score to get in is too high, it is about 248 points. I am very scared I fail my maths because I never pass my maths before. Now I wanna get about 213 or more. I wanna go to a good school and also at the same time go express. Of cause everyone want go to express because express only 4 years. Who wants to take a longer time to study?But if I cannot get into express i will put my very best effort to go to a good school but N(A). I don't wish to go N(A) because it is 5 years study and it is a road with many traffic lights while express is a shortcut way. Why other students can do it but just I cannot do it I always ask myself this question. When I hear the word PSLE, everything in my head will be blank.During exams I will hesitated if my answer is correct. For my own sake, I will try my very best because I do not want to let my parents, Miss Lim myself during this few days my parents have been worried for me because they are afraid I cannot make it. I will not let Miss Lim down because she a teacher who cares a lot for me and whenever I'm in trouble she will be there helping me. The future lies in my hand so I am going to cherish my own future. Good luck to all of you.

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