Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thank you Mr Singh

Dear Mr Singh,

I know that you will be leaving us soon.

You have been a very good VP since you came to Anderson Primary School, you did so many things for the school.

I remember that you once help me to find my wallet. I am really very grateful to you.

I hope that you will come back to Anderson Primary School after you finish studying. I wish you good luck in your studies.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Hi everyone,
This is my dog, Sally. She is cute and furry. Nice to play with and often barks at anyone who comes near it. Nice right?

Thursday, February 21, 2008

WE took this on 2007 teachers day ... It was my happy day last year. after the teacher day the boys in the class brust all the ballon...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

SMRT learing journey

On tuesday 12th Febuary 2008

We took a bus to the SMRT. When my classmates and I reached there we went to the auditorium. There was a nice lady who tell my classmates and I more information about the MRT.

After that we took a free MRT
ride to Marina Bay MRT station. A lady tell us how should we behave ourself when we take the MRT. I learnt that i must give up my seat to someone who need it more than I need.
After that we went back to the auditorium room, she then gave us a quiz worksheet. I won a prize beacause I got all the answers correct. It was an fun day for me...!!! BYE for now.....!!!!:)